Азотни Торове - Капсулиран Карбамид


The product contains Urea Nitrogen (N)
*Its application is used both for pre-sowing area and row fertilization of autumn or spring crops, as well as for winter feeding of autumn crops. ALFA N45 is used for one-time fertilization with a dose of 50% of the conventional fertilizer rate of farmers who use ordinary Urea Nitrogen.

Азотни Торове - Капсулиран Нитрат с Калций

ALFA pH N30/10CaO

The product contains Amide and Nitrate Nitrogen (N).
* This product is an ideal substitute for all types of Nitrate fertilizers for surface feeding of autumn and spring crops. Its use can be one-time or two-time according to the requirements of the farmers. It is applied in a 50% lower dose than conventional nitrate fertilizers.

АЗОТНО – ФОСФОРНИ Капсулирани торове


The product contains Amide and Nitrate Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P).
ALFALFA is the Flagship of the company and a true substitute for one-time pre-sowing fertilization for autumn and spring crops. Its dose is between 40% and 50% smaller than all Nitrogen-Phosphorus Fertilizers or NP combined fertilizers in agriculture.

NP & NPK Капсулирани торове

The product contains Amide and Nitrate Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) or Potassium (K).
This range of products has been specially developed for smaller farmers who can tap into these innovative products. Their dose is again 50% smaller than conventional combined NP and NPK fertilizers.

new generation of polymeric coating based on organic materials that naturally decompose over time

Unlike other specialized fertilizers on the market, there is no chemical interaction with soil microorganisms and therefore it is safe for soil life

The polymer coating acts as a reliable membrane that encapsulates mineral nutrients and protects the roots from burning

About us


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The secret of coating and Controlled Release Mechanism!

The controlled release technology of ALFA COATED is based on a polyurethane casing. A polymer molecule that surrounds and protects urea by gradually releasing nitrogen (N) according to plant needs.

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